Why CrossFit?

CrossFit may singlehandedly be the most scrutinized fitness method out there. From the cult-like atmosphere to the lack of proper form, the naysayers have come up with it all. They’ve found all the possible negatives with CrossFit and put it all out there for the world to see. It’s ironic because today there are approximately 10,000 CrossFit affiliate gyms worldwide and over 200,000 people competed in the 2014 CrossFit Open. The numbers suggest CrossFit has continued to increase in popularity despite the negative words being thrown around about it.

It is true that CrossFit isn’t for everyone. Each individual has his own goals and knows how hard he is willing to push to achieve them. CrossFit is extremely physically demanding and not everyone is willing to push themselves to their limit, which is perfectly fine.

For myself, the monotony of back/bis, chest/tris, and shoulders/legs really got to me. It is a proven method that has allowed a lot of people to reach their personal and fitness goals, but it just wasn’t for me. I wanted something more. Something that would kick my ass, make me more well-rounded athletically, and just plain stronger. That something was CrossFit, and it has proved to be so much more than that. So what can CrossFit do for you?

CrossFit will humble you. When you watch the games and see the likes of Rich Froning and Jason Khalipa throwing around ridiculous weights with stellar form and relative ease, you will be in awe, yet feel inferior. And this is exactly what should drive you. With hard work and the utmost dedication to the sport, you can get there too. I can assure you that neither of them thought they’d ever be capable of doing what they are today. They had a lofty vision for themselves that they made a reality through their relentless efforts. All CrossFitters should aspire to achieve that superior level of fitness.

CrossFit will make you stronger. I’ve heard that since CrossFit is predominantly conditioning that it will make you “small” or simply “shredded” and not strong. I can assure you that this isn’t true. Since starting CrossFit, each and every one of my compound lifts have gone up and they continue to do so. While you may never squat 1000 pounds of bench 600+, you will be able to squat, bench, deadlift more than adequate amounts – and hardly even feel tired from it. You will be a “jack-of-all-trades.”

CrossFit will make you a harder worker. Not only will you be pushing hard in the gym, but CrossFit will make you work harder at everything you do. The results you get from all the hard work you put in at the gym will show you how much you can achieve if you really work at it. From my personal experience, I noticed an improvement in my grades at school as well an improved desire to do my best at work.

CrossFit will bring you a true sense of community. The CrossFit community is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. While humans are inherently competitive, CrossFitters rally around each other and root for one another regardless of the circumstances. The CrossFit Games are a prime example. No matter what place an athlete finishes in, as soon as the athlete is done, he will push the next guy to keep moving and finish the workout (assuming the athlete isn’t laying on the ground from pure exhaustion). Aside from the Games, the atmosphere of a Box (a CrossFit gym) is truly amazing. Everyone is extremely friendly and are willing to help one another at any time. They will also hold you accountable to make sure you are performing to the best of your abilities.

CrossFit will teach you patienceJumping right into CrossFit and expecting to perform like a Games athlete is an unreasonable expectation. It takes years of strength training and conditioning to get to that elite level of fitness. Those who stick with CrossFit and remain dedicated will reap the benefits in the long term. Nothing in CrossFit can be achieved overnight and the best are aware of this. It takes consistency, dedication, and genuine hard work to get to that elite level. So be patient.

Lastly, for those who are wondering how CrossFit will make you look…


Yes, you will look good.

Ready to try CrossFit? Take it easy and don’t rush into it. There is countless advice on the web to get beginners going. But most importantly, find your local Box and get in there. You won’t regret it.

Any questions/comments? Use the comment box below or email me at nsamra23@yahoo.com.

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